As reported on the BBC yesterday, from today it is a criminal offence to inhabit a house that does not belong to you.
I welcome this change and frankly don't know why it has taken so long to make it. Caution should be taken when dealing with squatters who are homeless and in this cases, the Police must work with local authorities who have a legal duty to help those people.
It seems right and proper that if you go away on holiday or have been in hospital for some time, that should you come back to find squatters in your house the police should assist you in removing them.
While this change in the law will protect peoples' property, it does not however, solve the underlying issue of homelessness. I would like there to be joint working in these situations so that not only do the Police become involved to enforce the law, but that organisations like Shelter, metal health teams, drug abuse organisations as well as Social Services are there to help the squatters get back on track.
I like your comments about the issues around squatting Paula. I'm really glad that someone from outside the Police is standing to be commissioner, so you can see issues from a fresh point of view. My worry about a "insider" taking the role is that they may not be able challenge and my have past history which could either hold them back or make them make decisions based on the past. Good Luck, you have my vote!