Monday, 3 September 2012

Pledges in detail part 1

"I pledge to continue to work hard to promote Liberal values"
I have been a member of the Liberal Democrats for many years and a Liberal my whole life, it is in my blood.

Many people would say that it's not easy being in coalition, especially with the Conservatives. It has never been simply getting our values across, we don't have the Murdoch empire backing us, the TV media like to keep things black and white (red and blue) and now much of the public is confused by our role in the coalition.

All of these points lead me to think one thing; I want to work even harder to get our message across! We have great policies across the board and are the only party who stands up for the population as a whole, not just big business or the trade unions.

The election of a Police and Crime Commissioner is a great opportunity to let people know how strong our values and ideas are around crime and justice. I want to get that message across loud and clear

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