Friday, 28 September 2012

Conservatives "infighting" over privatisation

A few weeks ago I wrote about the fight against unwanted privatisation within Cornwall Council.
Click to read "fight-unwanted-privatisation"

It seems the argument is growing with the Conservative leader of the council coming under fire over being undemocratic. Even his own deputy his got the knife out.. Alex Folkes explains the attack letter in his blog:
To veiw "explosive-email" on Alex Folkes blog click here

Let me know what you think of this issues?

Friday, 21 September 2012

Well done Brian

Unfortunately on this occation, I have not been selected to stand for the Liberal Democrats to be the candidate for the Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner. It was a very close vote and I would like to congratulate Brian Blake who will be going forward to fight for the Lib Dems. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Appeal for information

Detectives are continuing to make inquiries into the armed robbery which took place at the Shell garage at Fraddon, next to Kingsley Village at around 10.30pm, Monday 17 September.

Click to read BBC news story 

If you have any information regarding this indecent please let the police know as soon as possible

Click here to view the Devon and Cornwall police appeal

Gun Crime must be cracked down on as quickly as possible. It is a virus that I have seen grown in Brazil and it must not be allowed to get any form of foothold in our country!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Benefit fraud

I read a story today about a £73,000 benefit fraud trial with took place in Exeter Crown Court.

Monday, 17 September 2012


If you would like to follow me on Twitter my user name is @BudeDolphin
I like to keep people who are interested up to date as much as possible, both here and on Twitter.

Question about problems facing the police

Q) What do you think the major problems facing the police force in the 2 counties are? 

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Policing priorities poll

I have started a "policing priorities" poll on the right hand side of the blog. I hope that you will take a few seconds to let me know your priorities are for the Cornwall and Devon Constabulary. Feel free to just vote or leave comments too if you would like...

Friday, 14 September 2012

Question about community involvement

Q) Over the years, apart from either political or paid work, what has been your involvement in the community? 

A) I am a School Governor, member of the Bude Canal Marshes and Valley, Former honorary vice-president of Bude Cricket Club, I am part of a local natural Beekeeper group (I have Bees) and help with beach cleaning days organised by Surfers Against Sewage.

As the Police and Crime Commissioner, I will involve as many people and groups in making decisions, setting priorities, budgets and targets as possible. I will provide the important link between Police and Community.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Question about urban and rural areas

Q) Do you perceive any differences in policing needs & priorities between urban and rural areas? 

Jazz hands

It was very exciting being Bude Mayor during this years Bude Jazz Festival... Well done to all those involved, I had a great time as i'm sure everyone else did. This event is really good for our area and helps show of how lovely our region is.
Click to read "all that jazz" news story
Click to read "Bude jazz fest hits" news story

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Question about demographics

In the interests of openness I will be posting questions that I have received regarding my campaign to be Devon and Cornwall's Police and Crime Commissioner. Interest has been high and I have received many questions, but will put them up one at a time, with the answer I gave.
Q) What do you think have been the greatest demographic changes Cornwall and Devon in the last 15 years? 

Fight unwanted privatisation

Conservative led councillors at Cornwall Council are trying to privatise services via the back door.
Last week a majority of Cornwall councillors, including myself, voted against the privatisation of council services. Even though they lost the vote, the Conservative and Independent cabinet (who run the council) have chosen to ignore this democratic view and have proceed with privatisation plans anyway.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Reforming the police service?

Let me be clear, I do not feel the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner is to sweep in and tear the police service apart. Overall we have a very good police service and if elected I would look to build on its strengths and minimize its weaknesses.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Record of success

Some of you may be asking yourself, "can Paula win this election against the Conservatives, Labour and Independents?" Well I think the answer is YES!

Why am I standing for this role

I feel it is important that you understand why I am standing for this role. Below are just a few of the reasons I  am fighting to be Devon and Cornwall's Police and Crime Commissioner.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Good response

Just a quick post to thank everyone for their kind word over last week or so. I love campaigning anyway, but it is really encouraging to here all the positive remarks and comments.

Being a business woman

I have owned my own business for a number of years and worked seven days a week 9am till 10pm. The bit I loved the most was my customers and making deliveries to elderly ladies. 

Friday, 7 September 2012


Just a quick note to say that I would really welcome your feedback on my campaign. I would love to hear your views, so please feel free to email me, call me or post comments on any of my posts.

A fresh pair of eyes

While campaigning some people have said to me, "it is good that you bring a fresh pair of eyes to this new role, but don't you need to be a policeman to be the Commissioner?"

It is important that everyone understands that the Chief Constable, who has long experience & detailed knowledge of policing, heads the police service and will be in charge of operational delivery
The Police and Crime Commissioner is not just another police man, but someone who should see things from a different perspective, represent people and ask difficult questions. Having not been in the police service I would enter this role with no baggage and no preconceived ideas.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

A little more about me

I talk to anybody and everybody and try to make myself very approachable. For me, people are the key and I am eager to listen and learn about their lives. Every action creates a reaction and I am always asking the “why?” question.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Video blog - thanks for the support!

Lib Dem members on why they are supporting me to be Police and Crime Commissioner for Cornwall and Devon 

Cyber Crime

As reported today by the BBC, the government has highlighted to businesses the importants of guarding themselves against cyber crime BBC - Business warned over Cyber Crime.


We all want to be able to live a free life, but some of us take our freedom for granted. Having lived abroad, in a city with two million people and were the crime rate is really high, I do not.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Question everything!

My father is a professor in Bio-chemistry , he educated me to question things and have an inquisitive mind. He taught us to use lateral thinking, solving problem through an indirect and creative approach, and that mind sets can hinder the effectiveness and speed of problem solving. 

Protecting your civil liberties

Without civil liberties where are we as a society? Rights and freedoms are fundamental to building a free, fair and open society and protecting civil liberties lies at the heart of this.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Pledges in detail part 1

"I pledge to continue to work hard to promote Liberal values"
I have been a member of the Liberal Democrats for many years and a Liberal my whole life, it is in my blood.

Should there be a PCC?

This is a question that lots of people feel very strongly about. I personally wouldn't have picked a system that puts so much power in the hands of one person.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Cutting re-offending

Justice is not just about punishment (though it has its part to play) but it is also about rehabilitation and reintegration.

Supporting communities policy one

Here is a one of the many Lib Dem policies that I will endevour to deliver if I become the Cornwall and Devon Police and Crime Commissioner:

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Thank you street cleaners

In this years Bude Carnival (as Mayor) I paid tribute to the people who keep our streets clean. Much like the police most of their work goes unnoticed, but equally if they did a bad job all our lives would be badly affected. So once again thank you to all those people who's work, when done well, goes unnoticed.

Squatters' rights

As reported on the BBC yesterday, from today it is a criminal offence to inhabit a house that does not belong to you.

I welcome this change and frankly don't know why it has taken so long to make it. Caution should be taken when dealing with squatters who are homeless and in this cases, the Police must work with local authorities who have a legal duty to help those people.