Wednesday, 29 August 2012

A little about my family

When you are involved in politics it is very easy to talk about policies, but I wanted you to know a little bit more about me as a person, so here goes. Here is a little about my family:

My family is very close, I grow up having Sunday lunch at my Granny and Grandpa’s (mums side) house with all my aunts, uncles and five cousins. There was always lots of mess and dishes to wash. My Grandpa was one of our main teachers when it came to the importance of values and ethics. When my Grandpa was younger, he used to own a business and have a business partner. His business partner used to gamble and one day he run away and left my grandpa with all his debts. My grandpa being the honourable man he was, sold all his possessions to pay the debts. He always told us this story not because he resented his business partner, but to show us the importance of honesty, honour and integrity. To carry your name, be respected and have integrity is part of what our family is all about. It is the values and ethics I follow.

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