Thursday, 2 May 2013

Don't let time run out, vote Dolphin

As you may know, today it election day. There is not much more to say than please take this opportunity to go out and vote. Sorry I can't write more, but i'm out on the doorstep getting the vote out
Vote Dolphin!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Tomorrow I will be fighting for

He is a list of just reasons to vote tomorrow, I promise to work tirelessly for...
  • Local homes suitable for local people
  • More money for our community groups
  • Extra money for road improvements
  • Keeping Stratton car park free
  • More accommodation for single people & couples
  • Extra money towards Stratton play park
I have really enjoyed this election campaign, I have lost some weight and got a bit of a tan, but most of all I have spoken to many many people who have not only been supportive, but who really care about our community.

My team and I have worked hard, but it is nothing less than you deserve!

Tomorrow I will keep on working as every vote will count...

But here's the bit that might be different from some Councillors, I will work hard the day after that and not stop, for me elections are the begin of the fight not the end of them.