Thursday, 21 February 2013

Bullers update

Contrary to their listing in the recently published agenda, The Bullers Arms planning application pa12/08423 and pa12/08429 will NOT now be considered at the 25th February 2013 East Area Planning Committee meeting to be held at 2:00pm in Camelford.

This to allow the Council to properly consider these applications in the light of a late submission of information that would be material to the determination process.
The applications will instead be presented at the next available meeting of the East Area Planning Committee

Hope this information gets passed around so people don't turn up to the wrong meeting!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Do you think Cornish and Gypsy is the same?

I'm pretty sure most people would think not, but Cornwall Council seem to. Much to the disgust of many residents, in a form for housing benefit and council tax benefit there is a tick box section for ethnicity in which Cornwall Council has give you the option of ticking the Gyspy / Traveller / Cornish box...

I am not Cornish Born and bred, but I do care greatly about Cornwall. I'm appalled about this and will be supporting Cllr Alex Folkes in his bid to get this changed as soon as possible (see Alex's blog about the same subject)

This adds to the list of missteps and mistakes that Cornwall Council have made. Which leads to the question are the Conservative 'leaders' of Cornwall council incompetent or do they just not care.